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Liberty path
Art Gallery Warowland:

On the corner of Via Roma, the building was built by architect Orsino Bongi in 1914.
The client, Count Ladisiao Tyszidewicz, intended to make it the seat of the ancient art gallery "Warowland" in Milan.
In 1919 the property passed to Marquise Alberta Dalla Rosa Zambelli, who had established his home in it.
Later expropriated by the State Property, the building became home to the offices of the spa, and currently hosts the store of healing spa products and cosmetics, as well as the Office of Tourism.

Made of style Lombard "neo-medieval" evident in the decoration of the exterior walls, with coats of arms and faces painted in polychrome, the building is organized around a courtyard, which creates a sort of cloister garden.
In general, the diagram produces an interesting perspective effect capable of enlarging the space.
Outside the plaster graffiti coating simulates ashlared gold, now in "fish scales", now in diamond motifs and finally in palms.
Among the building materials, the preferred is wood, used for the floor, the eaves, and the stairs leading to the balcony of the tower.