Territory - Park of the Queen

Himalayan cedar - Cedrus deodara :

It is found naturally in the Himalayas, eastern Afghanistan to western Nepal, is also known as the tree of the gods.
It was introduced in Europe in the early nineteenth century.
It can reach 60 meters in height and has a conical bearing with pyramidal shape even in old plants, unlike the other cedars, with tipped pendula.
Right, columnar, up to three meters in diameter at the base, the bark is gray-brown, finely fissured.
The branches are horizontal with the ends hanging.
The leaves are needle-like, those of the macro-blasts are single and enter a spiral around the branch, while those of twigs are gathered in clusters of 20-30 needles.
In autumn reproductive cones are produced: those male are 4-7 cm long, before then greenish brown/rose, while the female ones are smaller and mature in two years, becoming woody and up to 7-13 cm, coloured from green to brown.
The fruits are red-brown erect cones.
Common in parks and much appreciated for its beauty and majesty.
Wood is less valuable than that of cedar Atlas.