Territory - Park of the Queen

Ginkgo Biloba :

It seems that grows wild in China but the precise origin of this plant is unknown because it has been widely used and cultivated for many purposes and it is still cultivated throughout China.
It is a plant that can reach 40 m in height and large circumferences (up to 8 feet) under optimal conditions.
It has a pyramidal crown; bay at a young age thickens to maturity.
The bark is smooth, gray-white when young, then takes on a dark brown color and has some clear suberose ribs.
We can distinguish macroblasti, initially green/orange which once aging tend to silvery gray bark, the twigs are shaped leaf scars and a clavate with apical bud.
The leaves have the typical shape flabelliforme (fan-like), they are green or yellow at the moment of abscission.
We distinguish macroblastali leaves, alternate courses scattered with top margin emarginate often bilobed, and leaves brachiblastali together in tufts and with entire and wavy margin. In Japan and China has been cultivated for a long time in the temples because it was considered a sacred plant, the roasted seeds are regarded a delicacy.
Introduced in Europe in 1700 is used as an ornamental and shade road because it stands up well to bad weather, pollution and has no dangerous parasites.
When the fruit falls to the ground breaks down and causes a foul odor, then the female plants are not suitable for ornamental uses.
The recognition of sex is very difficult because there are no obvious characters before sexual maturity, for the cultivation is made recourse to male individuals obtained by grafting.